What Are Healing Services & Masses?
Listed below are the regularly scheduled Healing Services and Masses in and around Northern Kentucky; however, check the individual parish for changes and cancellations.
(Permanently Cancelled as of Jan 2025 until further notice) First Friday of every month, 7pm, a Mass and healing service is held at St. Joseph Church in Crescent Springs, KY. It is sponsored by the Mustard Seed Community. Praise and worship music starts at 6:30 pm with the Sacred Heart Praise Band. Individual prayer for healing follows Mass. Jesus is alive! (It is sometimes cancelled in July due to the national holiday.)
First Thursday of every month, 7 pm Mass and Healing Service at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Church, 5876 Veterans Way, Burlington, KY, 859-689-5010 with Msgr. Fosu. (Check with the church before attending; it is cancelled during most of 2022 for church renovations.)
First Wednesday of every month, 7:30-9 pm, Mass followed by Healing Service at St. Ignatius Church, I-74/North Bend Rd. (5222 N. Bend Rd., Monfort Heights) Cincinnati, OH sponsored by Lighthouse Renewal Center (Catholic Charismatic Community.) Praise & worship music starts at 7:15 pm. Call Sr. Chris at 513-471-5483 for more information.
Third Tuesday of every month, 7-8:30 pm, Eucharistic Holy Hour/Healing Service at St. Nicholas Catholic Church, 6461 E. St. Nicholas Dr., Sunman, IN 47041, sponsored by Servants of God Ministries. Confessions start at 6:30, praise & worship music at 6:45, and the service starts at 7, which usually consists of Exposition, Eucharistic Procession, Gospel reading, reflection and Benediction followed by laying on of hands. All are invited to spend time with the Lord and experience a powerful evening of prayer, praise and worship!
Fourth Wednesday of every month (except Dec and Jan!), 6:45-9:15 pm, Healing Service following Rosary and Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, 5440 Moeller Ave., Norwood, OH, 513-351-9800. Twice a year this is replaced by a Generational Healing Mass/Service.