The Mustard Seed Service Team has made the difficult decision to discontinue our monthly First Friday Mass/Healing Service, for a number of reasons. We will continue to sponsor a monthly Third Tuesday “Spirit & Grace Encounter” Prayer Meeting, which is held at Blessed Sacrament Parish Center from 7-8:45pm.  Prayer team members will be available then for anyone desiring individual prayer. Join us and experience the Fire of the Holy Spirit in your life!

Welcome to Charismatic – Northern Kentucky!

Please click on the tabs above to explore our website!  (The calendar tab is temporarily disabled.)  Check back here to see cancellations of any Mustard Seed Community sponsored events.

The Mustard Seed Community, a charismatic prayer group in the Covington KY Diocese, sponsors two monthly events: First Friday Mass & Third Tuesday Prayer Meeting.  We hope that you’ll be able to join us for some “charismatic fellowship”; all are welcome!  Here are the details:

First Friday Mass – 7 p.m. at St. Joseph Church in Crescent Springs, KY.            Music starts at 6:30.

Third Tuesday Prayer Meeting (renamed Spirit & Grace Encounter) –                   7-8:45 p.m. at  Blessed Sacrament Church in the Parish Center.

For additional info, contact Carol Hodge at 859-341-5932.